Decimal System, Bird’s-eye View


  • 45 Unit beads
  • 45 ten-bars
  • 45 hundred squares
  • 1 thousand cube
  • one set of large number cards
  • one floor mat


  1. Spread the floor mat out.
  2. Take the unit cards and the unit beads to the mat.
  3. The guide puts the ‘1’ card to the top right of the mat and asks the child to put a unit bead to the right of the card.
  4. Continue until ‘9’ is reached.
  5. Then take the ‘ten’ cards and and the box of ten bars to the mat.
  6. Lay out the cards and beads as before.
  7. Continue until all the cards and material is laid out.
  8. Each time a numeral is laid out the quantity is placed next to it at once.

Control of Error

Correct number of beads.

Direct aim

To help the child associate the concrete number with the correct numerals.

Age of interest

4½ to 5½ years of age.