Phonetic Object Boxes (4+)


  • Objects that are phonetic
  • Phonetic reading slips
  • There is no connection between the objects apart from their phonetic names

Direct Aim

Get the child to read fluently

Point of Interest

  • Matching words with objects
  • Creating a sense of wonder that symbols can mean objects

Control of Error

The Teacher


  1. Set up work space (either a rug, a chaki, or a table).
  2. Teacher places 3-5 of the phonetic objects on the work space.
  3. The name of each object is given to the child if the child does not know them already.
  4. Teacher makes a slip of paper with one of the object’s names on it (e.g. bed).
  5. Teacher has the child say the sounds of the letters individually (/b/-/e/-/d/).
  6. Then the teacher would prompt the child to slide the letters together. (Say it all in one breath)
  7. The teacher would place the slip of paper below the object.
  8. Teacher would continue with the other objects. If the child comprehends, he/she may continue the exercise by self.


Prompt the child to practice by himself. (Make sure he knows the name of every object in the box!)