The Multiplication Charts


See diagram.

Direct Aim

Memorisation of tables.

Age of Great Interest

6½ years.

Control of Error

In the charts.

First Exercise

Material and Presentation

  1. Multiplication Chart 1.
  2. Container with all possible combinations.
  3. As before, the child takes a slip-places his fingers on the numbers on the board, and finds the answer by bringing the fingers to meet each other: 5×7=35.
  4. He writes the completed sum in his copy-book. He writes ail the sums as he goes along.

Second Exercise

Material and Presentation

  1. Multiplication Chart 2.
  2. Container with essential combinations.
  3. The child fishes for a slip as before, e.g.3×9=.
  4. He places his finger on 3 goes out to the edge and straight down till he reaches the square opposite 9: = 27.
  5. He writes in his sum book:3×9=27.
  6. The prepared slips may be used.

Third Exercise

Materials and Presentation

  1. Blank multiplication chart.
  2. Container with all combinations.
  3. Box of tablets.
  4. He lays out all the tablets, face upwards, at random or in order.
  5. As usual, he picks up a slip, thinks of the answer, finds the appropriate square and the correct tablet, placing it in its square.
  6. He continues on till he has filled the board.
  7. The first chart acts as a control.

Fourth Exercise

He can test himself on the computer.