The Multiplication Board


  • Perforated board with 100 holes (or grooves) in rows of 10 arranged in a square. At the left side of the board there is a little window with a slot for the insertion of the cards. Across the top of the board, the numbers 1 to 10 are printed (the multipliers).
  • Set of cards from 1 to 10 (multiplicand).
  • A disc. 100 beads.
  • Prepared slips.

Direct Aim

Memorization of tables.

Age of Great Interest

5½ years plus.

Control of Error

The control chart. (See The Cumulative Law of Multiplication)


  1. Take the table of 3.
  2. Slip the label of 3 into the slot at the side.
  3. Put the counter over the 1 at the top of the board.
  4. ‘How many times are we making 3? Once’
  5. Put in 3 beads, in a vertical row;
  6. move the counter to the 2.
  7. ‘How many times are we making 3? 2 times.
  8. Put 3 more beads in under the 2.
  9. ‘How many beads have we got? – 123, 456.
  10. So two times three are 6
  11. Continue in this way up to ten times three.
  12. Count vertically, from left to right.


  • There is no writing done in the first presentation.
  • Do not start with the table of 1.
  • When the child starts to use the multiplication slips, encourage him to íill them in as he goes along.
  • He should say the table over, when he has completed it:

2 twos are 4        and in writing 2×2=4

3 twos are 6       and in writing 3×2=6 etc.

  • He starts with this table. Question him about the x sign.

Point of Interest

The counting of the beads and the square of each number.

Additional exercises

1. Prepared slips

a x 3 = 6 a =?

3 x b = 12 b=?

2. The children later make up their own equations putting any letter they choose in place of one number-and give them to a friend to do.

3. When the children have concrete experience of volume they can be shown volume of cube 2cm x 2cm x 2cm = 8 cubic cms and use their tables like this.