The Division Charts


  • 2 charts containing all the divisible numbers within 81 written on the top(the dividends). 1–9 Divisors on the left.

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– Chart 1: Has answers printed on it.

– Chart 2 (blank chart): Has no answers. A box of loose tablets is used.

  • A box containing sums written on slips of paper. These sums are all numbered within 81, which the child has previously found on the division board.


Memorisation of essential divisions. With the Blank Chart the child sees which divisions he knows and so can concentrate his attention on those of which he is not sure.


6-7 years.


There is a definite link between the Unit Division Board and the Division Charts, i.e.the even divisors. The Division Chart further emphasises the essential divisions. He will not use the Blank Chart very often.


The 1st Chart.

  1. The child takes a slip. The slips only contain the essential divisions, those with no remainder, e.g.36÷9=
  2. He places his finger on the 36, the dividend, and a finger on the 9, the divisor, and he brings them down and across to meet at 4, the quotient.
  3. He writes 36÷9=4 in his sum book. Work with this clarifies the work he has done with the Unit Division Board.

The Blank Chart.

  1. The child uses the same slips and the box of loose tablets; he takes a slip 21÷7=.
  2. He places a finger on the 21 the dividend, and a finger on the 7, the divisor, and brings them down and across to meet and places the tablet of 3 in its place on the board.
  3. He continues with the rest of the slips.

Control of Error: The 1st Chart acts as control.