Multiplication with the small bead frame


  • Small cards of the decimal system
  • Small bead frame

First Exercise: Simple Sum

1. Child lays out the small cards of the decimal system as such,





2. Select a number, ‘simple’ at first, e.g. 3321 x 3 and lay out with the cards (as above).

3. When moving over the beads, the child might either say: ‘One unit taken 3 times is 3, and chooses 3 units all together-or put them over one at a time.

4. He writes his answer with the small card.


Second Exercise: Dynamic Sums–e.g.1562×4

Direct Aim: To prepare the child for long multiplication. To enrich his concept of multiplication.

He still uses the cards and does not record until later. Analyse the sum with him.

Step 1:  2 units taken 4 times are 8. Slide over the unit beads.

Step 2:  6 tens taken 4 times are 2 hundreds and 4 tens-slide over the same.

Step 3:  5 hundreds taken 4 times are 20 hundreds which is 2,000-slide over 2 thousand beads.

Step 4:  1 thousand taken 4 times is 4,000-Slide over the beads to join the two already there. So our answer is 6,248.

After a while lay aside the cards. Write the sum and use the frame to get the answer. Later the child does the sum completely in the abstract without any material aid.