
All currency teaching may follow the pattern as used for British currency. The presentation of money should not be left till too late. It is part of normal life and most children will be given pennies and 10p coins at a very young age, although they do not know their value, nor do they understand it.


  1. In the first presentation use actual coins, taking one of each. Use real money. Teach the child using a 3-period lesson: ‘This is 1p. This is a 5p coin. It is the same as 5 pennies. This is 10p, etc.
  2. Only tell the child how many pennies are in each coin. Now he is given all the names,but do not go any further on the first day.


The children must become accustomed to the money and how various combinations make up the different amounts.

  1. Make 5p in another way-5 pennies, 10 half-pennies.
  2. Simple problems: Your mother asked you to go to the shop and buy her 8 apples costing 5p each. How much do you have to pay altogether?
  3. Counting heaps of mixed coins and changing where necessary, until all is in silver and note form as far as possible.