Large Number Cards

and Golden Beads


  • 9 golden beads
  • 9 ten-bars
  • 9 hundred squares
  • 9 thousand cubes
  • set of large number cards
  • felt lined tray


A small group exercise.

  1. Lay the number cards out in their columns and the golden beads on a nearby table.
  2. Place a card on the child’s tray and ask him to fetch that number of beads.
  3. Check the number and replace the cards.
  4. Or, put a quantity of beads on the child’s tray and ask him to find the appropriate number card.
  5. Build up to a four figure number.
  6. Show him how to fit the cards one on top of the other, the large cards at the bottom.

Direct aim

Association of quantity and written figures up to 9,999.

1000   100  


2000   200   20   2
3000   300   30   3
4000   400   40   4
5000   500   50   5
6000   600   60   6


  700   70   7
8000   800   80   8
9000   900   90   9
green   red   blue   green