The Conjunction Game (5+)


  • Some flowers, of three different kinds. 
  • An elastic band. 

Direct aim 

To introduce to the child the function of the conjunction ‘and’. 

Age of interest 

From five years approximately. 

Teacher’s presentation 

  1. Place the flowers on the table.
  2. Say that you are going to write down what you want.
  3. Write down a phrase for each flower giving the color or any other adjective to describe the differences each time.
  4. When the child has given you each one separately, write down ‘and’ on two slips of paper in another color, and insert them between the nouns.
  5. When the child gives you all three flowers together, bind them together with the elastic band to stress the idea of togetherness.
  6. Ask the child to put out the symbols that he knows, and then ask the child ‘Which one told you that I wanted them all together?’ and then put out the pink rectangle for the conjunction.
  7. Do transposition before this as in the other exercises. 


  1. As in presentation.
  2. The child takes a box which is marked with a pink rectangle, and uses the conjunction within to join up the farm phrases (or for garage, aerodrome etc.), and then put out the symbols for them.