Reading Cards or Slips

Reading Cards: Two Types

  1. Interpretive: The interpretive slips/cards are intended to aid the children in acting and are creative in nature.
  2. Scientific: The scientific slips/cards are intended for exact interpretation; the children are to follow the directions as they would a recipe.

Acting card

e.g. a) An old man was walking down the street when the wind blew so hard that he fell over! Someone nearby noticed and ran to help him up. The old man brushed the dust off of his pants, thanked the stranger and continued walking on his way.

Science card

e.g. Making a saturated solution with sediment

  • Materials required: a glass, large spoon, water, salt
  • Method: Fill a glass halfway with water. Place 4 heaped spoonfuls of salt into the water.
  • Stir the solution for one minute.
  • Remove the spoon and leave the solution still for five minutes.
  • Observations: The surplus salt that was not absorbed falls to the bottom and can be seen there.
  • Dip your finger into the solution and lick the water. It will taste salty!

Other cards

  1. You may introduce ballads for acting following the ‘interpretive slips’ and continue with simple plays.
  2. The science cards are a prelude to handicraft, cooking recipes, science, etc.