Reading Card Definitions
Many teachers are content with reading cards that are the same as used in the last century! We must be sure that we are giving our children the vocabulary of their own time. “It is our duty to help the child to adapt to his environment” said Dr. Montessori, and yet teachers do not always check that they are doing what she said for the early nineteen hundreds. They must update the vocabulary. They tend to stagnate at the year she died! Our everyday vocabulary needs new words. Our current teaching card vocabulary, we suggest, should contain some of the following:
Age of Interest
- Names only and pictures: age 4 years plus.
- Definitions: 6 plus.
Auto pilot-A computer or mechanism capable of maneuvering a vehicle with little direction from a human operator. Computer- A collection of electronics which can carry out instructions and store them in an artificial memory. Silicone Chip-A small piece of silicone on which there are transistors and other electrical parts. Microprocessor- A complex computing unit responsible for arithmetic and logic processing in a computer. Often called a Central Processing Unit. Programme-This is the set of instructions a computer obeys in order to complete a task. Hardware-The physical set of electronics. Software-The immaterial programme directing the actions of the computer. Robot-A mechanical device controlled by a computer–usually in a factory. The robot often completes tasks that a human would dislike doing every day. Memory-In computers, this is a mechanical device which stores information. Transistor- A small device that controls the flow of electricity. Vacuum-What is left after all air has been removed from inside an object–nothing! Word Processor-A software attached to a keyboard whereby one can edit and delete manuscripts. GPS-(Global Positioning System)- A device, usually with a screen, that allows one to determine his present location in the world and navigate to another destination. App-Short for ‘Application” an app is a software with predetermined programming and simplified instructions to complete a user’s task. May come in the form of games, calendars, task management, translators, et al. Drone-A vehicle operated via remote control. Some drones can be flown from hundreds of miles. EV (Electric Vehicle)- A vehicle that translates electric energy into mechanical energy through a motor. AWD (All Wheel Drive)- A setting whereby all four wheels of a car can gain traction independently of each other. (i.e., the engine drives each wheel independently) |
4WD (Four Wheel Drive)-A setting whereby a vehicle’s wheels are driven simultaneously, (i.e., all wheels turn together). Ranch-An large area of land devoted to the raising and care of cattle and livestock. Farm- an area of land designated to the growing and harvesting of grain. Feedlot-A designated area of land enclosed by pens, designated to the intensive feeding of animals prior to slaughter or sale. Bakken-A large deposit of oil located in Northern North Dakota. Capable of supplying the United States with oil for many years. Cattle Chute-A metal pen used to direct cattle and livestock into a designated area for vaccination, branding, or slaughter. Dragline-A massive, cranelike machine used to remove earth when mining for coal. Often capable of moving over 330,000 pounds in a single scoop! Wind Turbine-A large mechanical device, similar to a windmill, whereby mechanical energy turns a turbine that generates electricity. Garrison Dam-A large man-made dam in central North Dakota that regulates the flow of water in the Missouri river and generates electricity by directing flowing water through electric turbines. Hydroelectric Plant-A facility that directs moving water into electric turbines in order to spin them and create electricity. Nuclear Fission-A subatomic process whereby an atom’s protons are separated from a neutron creating massive amounts of heat. Nuclear Plant-A facility that applies heat created from controlled nuclear fission to a large container of water. The steam from these containers turn large turbines which generate electricity. Genetic Engineering-A scientific process by which an organism’s genes are studied or modified to encourage a desired attribute or trait in future generations. AI (Artificial Intelligence)-A computer programmed in such a manner that it is capable of making decisions similar to one that a human would make. Gluten Free-A substance free of a complex protein often found in wheat products. GMO (Genetically Modified Organism)-A living being that has been altered in a lab in order to encourage specific traits, especially in food sources. |
Clear attractive pictures and cards
The definitions given are for the teacher’s use so that she can answer any question that may be asked.
- The child looks at the picture.
- The child names the object.
- If the child does not know, she tells him
- He turns to the backside of the card and reads the words.
This he enjoys doing as he can read the names easily, once he knows the name of the object. He gains a great amount of confidence when he finds the interest of older brothers, sisters and parents in the picture and definition.
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Second Presentation
When the child is ready, the tiny definition booklets contain the picture, the name and the definitions.
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