- Box with phonetic words on slips of paper folded twice. The words should have three letters with a short vowel in the middle.
- Basket with phonetic words with double letters.
Direct Aim
Giving the child the realization that letters sounded together in the form of a word has meaning; seeing that the written word is a graphic symbol for a group of sounds.
Point of Interest
Folding and unfolding slips, double letters
Control of Error
The teacher.
- Show the child how to take the slips out of the box, carefully unfold, then read before refolding and setting aside. (Folding the slips gives the child movement.)
- Have the child read as many as he wishes.
- (If the child wants to write the words, encourage him to do so.)
- Have the child read several words and, if he wishes, write them on a chalkboard or in a personal journal.
- The children may want to work in a group.
Example list: