Phonetic Slips (4+)


  • Box with phonetic words on slips of paper folded twice.  The words should have three letters with a short vowel in the middle.
  • Basket with phonetic words with double letters.

Direct Aim

Giving the child the realization that letters sounded together in the form of a word has meaning; seeing that the written word is a graphic symbol for a group of sounds.

Point of Interest

Folding and unfolding slips, double letters

Control of Error

The teacher.


  1. Show the child how to take the slips out of the box, carefully unfold, then read before refolding and setting aside. (Folding the slips gives the child movement.)
  2. Have the child read as many as he wishes.
  3. (If the child wants to write the words, encourage him to do so.)
  4. Have the child read several words and, if he wishes, write them on a chalkboard or in a personal journal.
  5. The children may want to work in a group.

Example list:

  • Bat
  • Cat
  • Mat
  • Tap
  • Yell
  • Bell
  • Tell
  • Bed
  • Bad
  • Mad
  • Sad
  • Nap
  • Sap
  • Sip
  • Fell
  • Cap
  • Hat
  • Fat
  • Rip
  • Rap
  • Mitt
  • Fit
  • Kit
  • Tip
  • Hop
  • Hip
  • Tell
  • Top
  • Pot
  • Pit