Geography Picture Album


  • A large looseleaf album so that the pictures can be changed. Use transparent plastic covers. It should be treasured by the children. It must be strong. This should contain serial photographs of physical geographical features, showing the feature clearly with no extraneous, distracting features. Start with local geographical types, so that these become “keys” for the child in the world that he or she experiences.

Pictures show such scenes as the following:

Iceberg – floating












Geyser – spouting steam





Waterfall – cascading down









Volcano – active





Volcano – dormant




Lava flowing
















Fields of Corn










Do not be in a hurry to add to them. Have the name of the feature underneath, with a simple definition under the name.

Direct aim

To further enlarge a child’s ideas of geographical features. Through working with the album, a child becomes familiar with the terminology. He is helped to think clearly and to express himself precisely.