Verb Game

First Introduction to Reading, The Verb Game


  • A roll of narrow paper (like register receipt roll)
  • Scissors
  • A Red Colored Pencil

Direct Aim

Overcome the difficulties in reading: lack of desire, disconnect from written to spoken word

Indirect Aim

Introduction to color red for verb identification

Point of Interest

Watching the word written on paper, paper cut, folded and unfolding the special message for the child.

Control of Error

Carrying out of the action

Age of Interest


Teacher’s Presentation

  1. Tell the child that you want him to do something for you; that you are not going to tell him what it is, but that you are going to write it. 
  2. Write a short phonetic command, letting him see it as you write it. (eg. hop)
  3. Cut off the piece. Fold the piece and hand it to the child.
  4. Ask him to see what it is you want him to do.  He will sound each letter separately at first /h/—/o/—/p/ 
  5. If child continues to do so encourage them to put their hand over their mouth and say the letters in a manner that the air does not stop.  Instead of “h.”   “o.”  “p.”  the child will begin to elide the letter sounds together forming “hhhhoooopppp”.
  6. When he realizes what it says, ask him to do the action to show he understands.
  7. Write a few more commands for him.


For the child’s own work, he is given a box with “verbs” on the lid.  Inside are cards with phonetic commands already printed on them– on RED card.  He carries out the action when he has read the word. (eg. sit or skip)