Colored Globe


10’’ world globe, similar to Sandpaper Globe, but with land areas divided into the same continents as the hemisphere puzzle map, and using the same colors.

North America—Orange

South America—Pink







Direct Aim

Teach names of continents.

Control of Error


Teacher’s Presentation

  1. Refer the child back to the sandpaper globe and explain that the world is so big that names had to be given to the different parts so that we can talk about them.  We call those large pieces, masses of land, Continents. 
  2. Teach names by 3-period lesson: North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, Antarctica.

Name them, pause and trace around the continent with your finger to show clearly and do not say more than the name.


  1. Child says the names of the continents. 
  2. Child is shown a map and points to the names of the continents.
  3. Child places name labels on the continents