Classified Reading (Geography) (4+)


Consists of five folders, a booklet, a wall chart and a complete geography set: Land forms as illustrated

Folder 1

Set of eight pictures and name slips





Folder 2

Set of identical pictures with names written on them.

Folder 3

Identical pictures and, on white cards, the definition of each land form.

Folder 4

Identical pictures, and definitions with the name cut off.

Folder 5

Identical pictures and definitions, only the definitions have been cut up into phrases; The booklet consists of the pictures on one page and its definition on the opposite page.

Wall Chart

The wall chart consists of the set of pictures.


Can be group or individual, on the floor or on a table

Exercise 1

Use of folder 1. Earliest exercise, in the pre-reading stage. A sensorial exercise matching pictures.  The child uses folders 1 and 2.  Lay out series 1 in a line.  Match the second set.  If the child is interested in words he can be encouraged to try matching the name slips.  It does not matter that he cannot read.  He matches the patterns.  The name slip is placed on the first set of cards.


Exercise 2

When the child is reading. The language cards are now used as non-phonetic matching cards.  The first two folders are used again.  Lay out the first set.  Read each name slip carefully and place them carefully on corresponding cards. He uses the second set as a control.

Exercise 3

The child is now giving the definitions.  This exercise is  parallel with the interpretative reading exercises. Use of Folder 3. The child helps you lay out the cards. The child reads each definition and discusses them with the Directress. The correct definition is matched with its picture.  Before proceeding, the child must thoroughly understand the land forms.

Exercise 4 – Use of Folder 4

Lay out the cards with the child.  Give him the names.  He matches them.  He reads the cards with part of the definition on them, e.g. is land surrounded by water.’  You say, “What is land surrounded by water?” The child says , ‘an island’ and he places the definition under the name slip, beside the picture. This prevents the mechanical reading by the child.

Exercise 5 – Use of Folder 5

Lay out the cards as before.  The red lettered name slips are matched. Take a slip; e.g. an isthmus. ‘What is an isthmus?’ ‘It’s land, a narrow strip of land.’ The child searches for that strip, and places it under the name slip. ‘What does an isthmus do?’ ‘It joins together two larger pieces of land.’  That card is obtained and put with the other two cards.  The exercise is completed in a similar fashion.  The child can use the booklet as a control in the last three exercises. 

Direct Aim

Total reading.

Point of Interest

Activity involved.

Control of error

Second folder, booklet and wall chart.

Age of Interest

From 4 years onwards