
Part 1


        • Tin with lower case letters of the alphabet – 26.
        • Control of error card with horizontal alphabet in correct sequence

Exercise 1

  1. The child sings or recites alphabet with teacher.
  2. The child puts out lower case alphabet letters in order a to z.
  3. The child checks against control card.

Part 2


        • Tin with Alphabet Upper Case letters (Capital letters).
        • Control of Error card of Capital Letters in alphabetical order – horizontally arranged!

Exercise 2

  1. Alphabet put out in order.
  2. The child then compares answer with control of error card.

Part 3


        • Tin with 26 cards each with a word on, each beginning with a different letter of the alphabet.
        • Control of Error card of letters of the alphabet listed below each other with space equal to the with words listed in correct order.

Exercise 3

  1. The child places cards one below the other, placing words in alphabetical order.
  2. The child then checks with alphabet Control of Error card.

Part 4


        • Words beginning with teach letter of the alphabet, but this time two or three of each letter the same, so that the child has to look at the second letter, e.g. animal, apple, architect.

Exercise 4

  1. Child arranges in alphabetical order,
  2. then compares with answer cards

Part 5


        • Tin with several words for each letter where the child has to look for several letters to see correct order with control of error card, e.g. ant, animal, antipathy, Antipasta

Exercise 5

Child arranges and then checks.

Children with perceptual sequencing difficulties (poor spellers) often have difficulty with the alphabet in sequence, even if they can read.  These structured games are of very great value to them.  These children often have to begin the alphabet right from the beginning to know where ‘T’ or another letter comes. To help these children know the letters on either side of a given letter, the following game is a help.


Part 6


        • A box of small cards with two letters in sequence and room for the third but a space instead.

Control of error

        • The missing letter is written on the back of the card.
        • a b _ (front of card) c– (back of card)
        • b _ d front of card c – back of card
        • _ c d front of card a – back of card

Exercise 6

        • Child says the missing letter and checks himself by looking on the back.
        • When he can do these begin to use the words ‘before’ and ‘after’ and ask him to pick out from lower case letters ‘the letter before “S”’, ‘the letter after “S”’, etc.
        • Once a child is able to know the sequence of letters with ease he is able to look up words in dictionaries; he is able to use indices; and he becomes able to do tests with alphabet sequencing questions – with greater ease.